Gabriele Gattiglia and Francesca Anichini presented in Archeofoss 2020 (abstract in a discussion on the open data policy and the management of copyright material inside the context of the ArchAIDE project (Horizon 2020 grant agreement No. 693548,
The ArchAIDE project developed a system for automatic recognition of pottery with an innovative app for tablets and smartphones. This has been possible through the development of two distinct neural networks for appearance-based and shape-based recognition and is based on the creation of a digital comparative collection, which incorporates existing digital collections, digitized paper catalogues and multiple photography campaigns. However, many of these materials falls under copyright or database protection (EU directives on Copyright 2001/29/EC and Database protection 96/9/EC).
As a participant in the H2020 open data Pilot, the ArchAIDE project was committed to creating sustainable outputs where the project held the copyright. This included making available the interoperable multilingual vocabularies, and the video corpus created by the project, as well as the 2D and 3D models created from the ADS archive Roman Amphorae: a digital resource.
The Goal of the project is to raise awareness in European countries through making these resources available, thereby pushing towards more open data policies.
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